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Govt starts process to repatriate laundered money, acquire bank scammers’ asset

The interim government has started the process to repatriate the money laundered abroad and acquire local assets of the people who embezzled money from banks.
The information was shared by the office of the chief adviser of the interim government through press release issued today.
Bangladesh Bank’s financial intelligence unit, criminal investigation department of police, and anti-corruption commission have started recovering the embezzled and laundered money, according to the press release.
The government has already contacted various foreign organisations seeking their assistance regarding the repatriation of the money.
“Some unscrupulous businessmen and other influential persons have in recent years embezzled huge sums of money anonymously and laundered it abroad through rampant corruption and fraud in the banking sector,” it said. 
The government is also working to determine the exact amount of money and assets laundered and embezzled from the banking sector, it also said, adding that the amount of embezzled money is believed to be over lakhs of crores of taka.
